Training Resource Library

This training resource library can be used by any organization implementing tutoring, mentoring, student success coaching, postsecondary transition coaching, and/or wraparound supports and beyond. It includes links to various online and in-person trainings as well as resources to support the growth and development of those working in youth-serving roles. The library contains paid and free trainings and is updated on an ongoing basis.

The library can be used to find training opportunities for yourself or individuals with whom you work. It can also be used to connect across organizations to learn more about the trainings being offered and work toward alignment and coordination. 

Most resources in the library are not the property of nor have they been verified by the Partnership for Student Success. If you have questions about a particular training, please reach out to the owner of the training. Additional trainings may be available to you if you are an affiliate of any of these organizations: City Year, YMCA of the USA, Boys & Girls Clubs of America, or Camp Fire.

To submit a training for consideration to be added to the website, please fill out this form.

Thanks to those who contributed content to the library thus far and to the Youth Development Practice & Pathways Working Group for helping to conceptualize the multiple purposes of the library. 

College & Career Advisors
Free online training for postsecondary transition coaches on paying for college and financial aid
College & Career Advisors
Free online training on supporting K-12 students with college knowledge, fit, and match for postsecondary transition coaches
College & Career Advisors
Free online training on preparing postsecondary transition coaches to work in schools and with youth
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Free online training on best practices for collaboration between universities and community based organizations
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Free online training on advising college mentors
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Free online training on helping college students be better mentors
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The Reading Institute's free microcredential on helping educators connect academic knowledge on the science of reading to the classroom.
White image with blue font stating "High-Impact Tutoring"
The Reading Institute's free training on the Reading Go program.
White image with blue font stating "High-Impact Tutoring"
The Reading Institute's free training on the Reading Ready program.
White image with blue font stating "High-Impact Tutoring"
National Student Support Accelerator's free toolkit on designing sequenced training for early literacy tutors, featuring frameworks, goal-focused recipes, and ongoing learning resources.
White image with blue font stating "Multiple Roles"
Change Impact's free course on asset-based youth engagement and creating inclusive spaces.
White image with blue font stating "Multiple Roles"
Change Impact's free course on foundational frameworks for successful youth development programs
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Arizona State University's free Group Facilitation bundle for community educators.
White image with blue font stating "High-Impact Tutoring"
National Student Support Accelerator's free tutor training webinars.
College & Career Advisors
National College Attainment Network's free training on the Better FAFSA.
Wraparound Supports
Coalition for Community Schools' paid resources for wraparound support training.
Student Success Coaches
City Year's free playbook on student success coaching.
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Saga Education's paid training equipping tutors with strategies for effective middle and high school math.
White image with blue font stating "High-Impact Tutoring"
National Student Support Accelerator's free toolkit for training programs.
White image with blue font stating "High-Impact Tutoring"
National Student Support Accelerator's free playbook on high-impact tutoring for out-of-school time providers.
White image with blue font stating "Multiple Roles"
Saga Education's paid training equipping tutors to build relationships and deliver effective math instruction.
White image with blue font stating "Multiple Roles"
The Flourish Lab's paid training for out of school professionals working with youth learning to do better time management.
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The Flourish Lab's paid training for out of school professionals to be present with youth.
White image with blue font stating "Multiple Roles"
The Flourish Lab's paid training empowers professionals to create impactful youth programs through relationships and planning.
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The Flourish Lab's paid training on learning how to navigate relationships with youth.
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National Youth Leadership Council's conference to prepare individuals for impactful community service and civic engagement.
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America's Service Commision's conference on amplifying youth voice, fostering leadership, and driving meaningful student engagement.
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ACT for Youth free training for youth professionals to foster inclusion for diverse abilities in programs.
White image with blue font stating "Multiple Roles"
ACT for Youth's free training for engaging young participants effectively and building their skills.
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ACT for Youth's free curriculum introducing new professionals to effective youth work strategies.
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ACT for Youth's free online short courses to support people working with youth.
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Search Institute's paid workshop on exploring adult roles in enhancing youth developmental assets.
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Search Institute's paid workshop to help youth discover and express their true passions.
White image with blue font stating "Multiple Roles"
Search Institute's paid workshop designed for educators and staff to enhance developmental relationships for youth learning and growth.
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National 4-H Council's $500 dollars training on promoting youth development.
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Weikart Center at the Forum for Youth Investment's paid training on emotional coaching to empower youth.
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Weikart Center at the Forum for Youth Investment's paid workshop to support youth workers with their ongoing social development.
White image with blue font stating "Multiple Roles"
Weikart Center at the Forum for Youth Investment's paid workshop to support youth workers with their ongoing social development.
White image with blue font stating "Multiple Roles"
Weikart Center at the Forum for Youth Investment's $70 workshop on methods for fostering supportive, youth-centered relationships and motivation.
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Weikart Center at the Forum for Youth Investment's $70 workshop on strategies for positive interactions that empower young people’s success.
White image with blue font stating "Multiple Roles"
Arkansas Out of School Network's training repository with free out of school time resources.
College & Career Advisors
Coursera's free online training for post-secondary transition coaching on career coaching and career navigation.
College & Career Advisors's free written resources for post-secondary transition coaching on work and career coaching exercises.
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Arizona State University's free course for community leaders who are working with children.
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Boston Partners in Education's free resources for Accelerate Academic Mentors.
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Institute of Education Sciences' free mentor training facilitator’s guide.
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Mentoring Central's $25 online training on ethical guidelines for mentors.
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Weikart Center at the Forum for Youth Investment's paid training on cultivating and modeling empathy.
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Weikart Center at the Forum for Youth Investment's paid training on facilitating cognitive skill building with young people.
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Weikart Center at the Forum for Youth Investment's paid training on the essentials of Social and Emotional Learning efforts.
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Weikart Center at the Forum for Youth Investment's $70 online training for grouping strategies and ways to think about building cooperative learning into any program offering.
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Weikart Center at the Forum for Youth Investment's $70 online training for resolving conflict.
White image with blue font stating "Multiple Roles"
Weikart Center at the Forum for Youth Investment's paid training on self-awareness of emotional development and identifying techniques for modeling empathy and emotion management.
White image with blue font stating "Multiple Roles"
Weikart Center at the Forum for Youth Investment's paid training on fostering teamwork.
White image with blue font stating "Multiple Roles"
Weikart Center at the Forum for Youth Investment's paid training on supporting youth voice.
White image with blue font stating "Multiple Roles"
Weikart Center at the Forum for Youth Investment's paid training on providing academic support in out of school time environments.
White image with blue font stating "Multiple Roles"
Weikart Center at the Forum for Youth Investment's paid training on helping staff establish routines and norms.
White image with blue font stating "Multiple Roles"
Weikart Center at the Forum for Youth Investment's paid training on helping young people persevere when they struggle.
White image with blue font stating "Multiple Roles"
Weikart Center at the Forum for Youth Investment's paid training on promoting leadership and responsibility.
White image with blue font stating "Multiple Roles"
Weikart Center at the Forum for Youth Investment's $70 Online Course on active learning.
White image with blue font stating "Multiple Roles"
Weikart Center at the Forum for Youth Investment's $70 online course on active learning.
White image with blue font stating "Multiple Roles"
Weikart Center at the Forum for Youth Investment's $70 Online Course giving introduction to the Active-Participatory Approach.
White image with blue font stating "Multiple Roles"
Arizona State University's 130+ nanocourses for youth-serving professionals and volunteers.
White image with blue font stating "High-Impact Tutoring"
Arizona State University’s Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College and Step Up Tutoring's free set of high-impact tutor training resources.
White image with blue font stating "Multiple Roles"
Saga Education's free online training portal on effective tutoring.
White image with blue font stating "High-Impact Tutoring"
National Student Support Accelerator's free online tutor training toolkit.
College & Career Advisors
National College Attainment Network's $59 online course in post-secondary transition on Opportunity Youth.
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National Mentoring Resource Center's training repository with various free resources on mentoring.
College & Career Advisors
National College Attainment Network's training repository with various free resources on post-secondary transition coaching.
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MENTOR National's training repository with various free resources on mentoring.
White image with blue font stating "Multiple Roles"
Weikart Center at the Forum for Youth Investment's training repository with various resources with free and paid content focused on strengthening practices and programs around youth success.
White image with blue font stating "Multiple Roles"
Tennessee Afterschool Network's training repository with free and paid out of school time resources.
College & Career Advisors
National College Attainment Network's training repository with free and paid post-secondary transition coaching trainings.
White image with blue font stating "High-Impact Tutoring"
National Student Support Accelerator's training repository with free tutor trainings.
College & Career Advisors
National College Attainment Network's free online course in post-secondary transition on successful advocacy efforts.
College & Career Advisors
National College Attainment Network's $59 online course on foster care system in post-secondary transition coaching.
College & Career Advisors
National College Attainment Network's $59 online course on advising youth experiencing homelessness.
College & Career Advisors
National College Attainment Network's $59 online course on working with undocumented students in post-secondary transition coaching.
College & Career Advisors
National College Attainment Network's $59 online course on evaluating financial offer letters in post-secondary transition coaching.
College & Career Advisors
National College Attainment Network's $59 online module on career advising.
College & Career Advisors
National College Attainment Network's $79 online course for college advisers on cultural competency.
College & Career Advisors
National College Attainment Network's $70 online module to engage students virtually.
College & Career Advisors
National College Attainment Network's $70 online course in post-secondary transition for first generation families.
College & Career Advisors
National College Attainment Network's $99 online course in post-secondary transition on FAFSA completion.
College & Career Advisors
National College Attainment Network's $99 online course in post-secondary transition on college matching.
College & Career Advisors
Coursera's $99 online course Career Coaching Certification in Career Development Coaching.
College & Career Advisors
National College Attainment Network's $119 online training for post-secondary transition coaching on FAFSA completion.
College & Career Advisors
Goddard Riverside's $395 online training for post-secondary transition coaching on college access training.
College & Career Advisors
U.S. Department of Education's free online course and virtual workshop on FAFSA for financial aid professionals.
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MENTOR National's free mentoring training to equip participants in building supportive relationships.
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Mindset Kit's free toolkit for mentor in applying growth mindset strategies.
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U.S. Department of Education's free resources for practitioner providing supporting to high need students.
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Boston Partners in Education's free resource for independent learning support mentors.
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Free slides on mentor roles and collaboration.
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Boston Partners in Education's free resources for Aim High Mentors.
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Boston Partners in Education's free slides on Aim High training for academic mentors.
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Boston Partners in Education's free slides on clarifying roles and fostering supportive mentor-mentee relationships.
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Michigan State University Extension 4H Youth Development's $80 toolkit that aids training for youth mentoring programs and volunteers.
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MENTOR National's free strategies in becoming a better mentor.
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MENTOR National's free guide highlighting supportive strategies for programs and mentors of young men of color (YMOC).


Training Type:


Student Support Role:

Looking for more resources?

Check out our comprehensive list of resources based on student support category.


Post-Secondary Transition Coaches

Support post-secondary exposure, college search and fit/match, college application creation, financial aid applications, and navigation of post-secondary transitions.


Academic Tutors

A form of teaching, one-on-one or in a small group, towards a specific goal. High-impact tutoring leads to months of additional learning gains for students by supplementing (but not replacing) students’ classroom experiences. High-impact tutoring responds to individual needs and complements students’ existing curriculum.


High-Quality Mentors

With training and support, facilitate a variety of youth development and enrichment experiences, help youth explore and affirm their identity, provide navigational support around school-to-work transitions, and buffer against adversity in-school, out of school, and over the summer.


Student Success Coaches

Form diverse teams in systemically under-resourced schools to partner with teachers to provide integrated, relationship-driven social, emotional, academic, and youth development supports to enhance student outcomes and create positive learning environments at the classroom and whole school level during and after the school day.


Wraparound/Integrated Student Support Coordinators

Enable schools to build strong connections and systems with community health, mental health, and social service providers. Coordinators put school climate plans and multi-tiered systems of support into action.


Reference to any non-U.S. government organization, event or product does not constitute an endorsement, recommendation or favoring of that organization, event or product and is strictly for the information and convenience of the public.

This website is developed and maintained by the Everyone Graduates Center at Johns Hopkins University for Partnerships for Student Success. It follows the website privacy policy found here. View the website's accessibility statement here.

As of January 19, 2025, this website no longer represents the National Partnership for Student Success public-private partnership.

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