High-Impact Tutoring: Out-of-School Time Playbook
Playbook created by National Student Support Accelerator.
Support provided by the National Partnership for Student Success.
Research shows that high-impact tutoring is unusually effective for accelerating K-12 student learning. In fact, it is more effective than other tested interventions and is effective across grade levels and content areas. While the most effective programs occur during the school day, out-of-school (OST) tutoring programs can be effective if the necessary structures and systems are in place to ensure student participation and engagement. If students are already attending OST programs and do not have access to a strong tutoring program during the school day, they could benefit significantly from high-impact tutoring provided during out-of-school time.
The Playbook aims to support OST providers and networks that support OST providers (e.g., afterschool networks, national affiliates, state service commissions) that are interested in expanding or beginning to offer high-impact tutoring programs. While OST staff members are the primary audience, state education officials, school district staff, and school administrators can leverage many of the resources in this Playbook.
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As of January 19, 2025, this website no longer represents the National Partnership for Student Success public-private partnership.