Programs in Action: High School Students in Evidence-Based Roles

Near Peer Student Support Programs

There are numerous approaches for promoting the overall well-being and success of P-12 students. Learn how older peers are supporting their younger students as tutors, mentors, student success coaches and more, in communities across the country.

Near Peers as Virtual Tutors

Step Up Tutoring

    Step Up Tutoring is a nonprofit organization and a Partnership for Student Success Supporting Champion that provides virtual high impact tutoring to elementary and middle school students in under-resourced communities. Step Up Tutoring partners with districts and colleges to recruit and place adult, college-aged, and near peer volunteers as math and literacy tutors. Near peer tutors must be at least 16 years old to serve.

    Tutors are matched with a student they work with one-on-one, for at least 90 minutes (two 45-minute sessions) per week, in a 100% remote environment. Step Up Tutoring’s virtual model enables the organization to offer flexible scheduling that meets the needs of both volunteers and students, as online tutoring can occur while students are in school, at home, or participating in an out-of-school time program. 

    Step Up Tutoring provides volunteers with comprehensive training, high-quality instructional materials, and ongoing communication to ensure that tutors’ academic support activities are integrated and aligned with students’ classroom learning. In addition to developing students’ foundational skills, study habits, and confidence in math and reading, tutors focus on relationship-building and mentorship. 

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    This website is developed and maintained by the Everyone Graduates Center at Johns Hopkins University for Partnerships for Student Success. It follows the website privacy policy found here. View the website's accessibility statement here.

    As of January 19, 2025, this website no longer represents the National Partnership for Student Success public-private partnership.

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