Free Online Training

The Partnership for Student Success now offers free online training modules for postsecondary transition coaches, mentors, and people who supervise college students in these roles. Designed by MENTOR and the University of San Diego Early Academic Outreach Program for the Partnership for Student Success, these modules offer training for college students and others supporting K-12 students.

Sign up for our next free training cohort! Signing up includes access to the online training modules for you or your team, as well as access to free Partnership for Student Success Higher Education Coalition resources, including technical assistance and peer support for higher education institutions through learning communities and working groups.

Free online training modules on mentoring available from the Partnership for Student Success and MENTOR.

These modules are designed to support college students serving as mentors for K-12 students, and to support supervisors of college mentors in implementing effective mentoring and ensuring that mentors gain career-connected experiences while providing crucial support to youth. Topics include:

  • Advising College Mentors
  • Best Practices for University and Community-Based Organization (CBO) Collaboration
  • How College Students Can Be Better Mentors

These modules are available to individuals (college students or people who work with or supervise (or plan to) college students supporting K-12 students, as well as programs placing multiple college students in K-12 student support roles.

Free online training modules on mentoring available from the Partnership for Student Success and the University of California Early Academic Outreach Program.

These training modules are designed to support college students, youth workers, and other postsecondary transition coaching employees or volunteers providing college and career exploration and transition support in K-12 school settings. Module topics include:

  • Preparing to work in schools and with youth
  • Supporting K-12 students with college knowledge, fit, and match
  • Paying for college and financial aid

These modules are available to individuals providing (or planning to provide) postsecondary transition supports to K-12 students, as well as programs placing multiple college students in K-12 student support roles.

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    This website is developed and maintained by the Everyone Graduates Center at Johns Hopkins University for Partnerships for Student Success. It follows the website privacy policy found here. View the website's accessibility statement here.

    As of January 19, 2025, this website no longer represents the National Partnership for Student Success public-private partnership.

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