Welcome to the NEW Partnership for Student Success Training Hub, which offers a range of resources to support you. Learn promising practices and strategies for training mentors, tutors, postsecondary transition coaches, success coaches, and wraparound support coordinators. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting out, there’s a wealth of information to enrich your understanding and enhance your approach, including a training resource library, free online training modules, and a new postsecondary transition coaching training consortium coming soon!
Access Training Resources:
Training Resource Library
The library includes both free and paid training options designed to empower those who work with youth. The curated offerings include foundational training, research-backed insights on Positive Youth Development, and role-specific courses and guides, and links to other training repositories.
New! Free Online Training Modules
Designed by MENTOR and the University of California San Diego Early Academic Outreach Program for the Partnership for Student Success, these free modules offer training for college students and others supporting K-12 students as mentors or postsecondary transition coaches. Join one of the available cohort cycles where organizations can access the content, connect, share insights, and learn together.
Coming Soon! Training Consortium
Organizations with extensive experience running postsecondary transition coaching programs and implementing high-quality training have partnered with the Partnership for Student Success to expand the training resource library, identify training gaps and collaborate to make critical resources more accessible, and collaborate on new content.
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This website is developed and maintained by the Everyone Graduates Center at Johns Hopkins University for Partnerships for Student Success. It follows the website privacy policy found here. View the website's accessibility statement here.
As of January 19, 2025, this website no longer represents the National Partnership for Student Success public-private partnership.